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The Mountaineering Village

Heartfelt. Unique. Vent.


Explore and experience unspoilt nature

In summer Vent offers beautiful footpaths and hiking trails. High elevation paths, Alpine trails, breathtaking sunrises, scenic side valleys and glittering glacier fields. Nature at its very best. Splendid trails lead across lush Alpine pastures to the eternal ice! Creating memories that will stay with you forever. Eight mountain and refuge huts run by the Alpine Association are spread over the region. Myriad walking trails and signposted routes await you. Tirol’s mightiest mountain, 3768 m high Wildspitze peak, towers high above the village.

Your unforgettable mountain experience

My first real 3000er

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7 experiences for mountain lovers

Alpine mountain experiences

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Adventure Shop

Hold on tight, here comes everything – really everything! - what you can experience in Ötztal.

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